Better Care and Better Outcomes
start with better visibility of real-time data
and more time with patients.
Vizabli ACES
Vizabli’s Acute Care Engagement Solution (ACES) makes real-time data visible to the right people, when and where it is needed. It also gives back countless hours to nurses by eliminating the need to update and maintain dry erase boards in the patient rooms and the nurse station.
An Acute Care Engagement Solution combines traditional “patient engagement” services with staff engagement and public engagement solutions and delivers real-time data to everyone involved in the patient journey, including hospital staff, patients, and patient friends and family members.

Current care team, schedules, goals, and much, much more updated automatically in real time.

Clinician precautions and patient restrictions, updated in real-time from the EMR or from any smartboard.

Built-in audio / video calls to patients from any smartboard or use the clinician mobile app.

Lower Costs
Millions of minutes of nurse time saved every year and reduction of costly mistakes and accidents.

Competitive Advantage
By promoting the patient and family experience, patients select their facilities for elective or emergency care.

Both “digital natives” and veteran nurses want to work in facilities that leverage technology to improve care.

Increased Revenue
Increased throughput with faster discharges and quicker EVS cleans, generates more patient flow and revenue.

ACES provides real-time notifications to care team and hospitality team members, increasing patient throughput.
Our Products
The Vizabli ACES software works on any Android, iOS, or Windows device, but it is further enhanced by utilizing specialized devices from our hardware partners that include LED “halos” around the door smartboards, NFC authentication, and more.
How It Helps

Patient and clinician safety, better outcomes, and nursing retention are all top concerns of CNOs throughout the industry. Real-time integration with the EMR, nurse call, smart beds and other clinical systems ensure that the care team has up-to-date information, precautions and clinical data when and where it’s needed. This allows nurses to spend less time searching for and updating information and more time caring for patients, improving patient outcomes and employee satisfaction.

Whether the facility is for profit or not, increasing revenue and reducing costs are key priorities of board members and, therefore, CEOs. The ACES solution increases revenue by improving HCAHPS scores, increasing throughput, and creating an advertisable service, drawing more people to the facility for elective and emergency care. Cost reductions are achieved through improved patient and staff safety that reduce costly mistakes.

Patient and clinician safety, better outcomes, and nursing retention are all top concerns of CNOs throughout the industry. Real-time integration with the EMR, nurse call, smart beds and other clinical systems ensure that the care team has up-to-date information, precautions and clinical data when and where it’s needed. This allows nurses to spend less time searching for and updating information and more time caring for patients, improving patient outcomes and employee satisfaction.
Whether the facility is for profit or not, increasing revenue and reducing costs are key priorities of board members and, therefore, CEOs. The ACES solution increases revenue by improving HCAHPS scores, increasing throughput, and creating an advertisable service, drawing more people to the facility for elective and emergency care. Cost reductions are achieved through improved patient and staff safety that reduce costly mistakes.

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